
4 Foods That Cleanse the Liver and Burn Belly Fat

If, despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, excess fat still lingers on your stomach, hips, arms, and buttocks…

…then it’s not due to age, metabolism, or eating habits.

In a groundbreaking discovery, nutritionists have identified a combination of 4 foods that dramatically accelerate fat burning by cleansing the liver.

(But hardly anyone talks about them) …

But what exactly are these foods? When should you eat them? In what quantities? How do they work?

Dr. Majic reveals all this and more in his free video presentation that has shocked the public (watch it while it’s still available):

4 Super Foods That Melt Fat from Your Tummy and Hips - Without Strict Diets, Exercise, or Liposuction
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Dr Tomislav Majic

Dr Tomislav Majic is cardiologist and founder of a cardiac rehabilitation centre.

He has been certified by the medical board for internal medicine, cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation, as well as for cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial and venous Doppler sonography.

In his long and rich medical career, he has been awarded the title of primary physician and co-authored the book Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients.

As a world-renowned medical expert, he has appeared as a guest on TV shows and in other popular media many times.